Sunday, 27 October 2013


How to Structure Your Market Strategy Report?

Type of Strategy: (mention the character of the strategy)
 For example strategy can be ‘Kiosk in the public’.

Why this Strategy: (explain the logical reasoning behind this strategy, like its objective and major benefits).
In this, we can mention our major objectives that we are aiming to achieve through this strategy. For example, if our strategy is to set ‘kiosk in a crowded place just before the inaugural day of the company’, the objective can be mentioned like ‘Give good awareness among local customers about our company’s products or services. Through this strategy we can easily grab the attention of our targeted customers.’

How it works: (Give every details of this particular strategy. Ask all possible questions that can arise and give answers to it).
If we are planning to set a kiosk, you have to give answers to the following questions. If we can brief this strategy with one or two sentences, that would be great. All the activity which is mentioned here should substantiate our objective. We can take the above example to brief this part.

1)   How should be the kiosk? The size and the design of the kiosk should be mentioned here.
2)  Where to set the kiosk? Mention the suitable places which are appropriate for placing the kiosk, like shopping malls or some public areas (Private bus stand, ground etc).
3)  When to set kiosk? Mention the appropriate time for setting the kiosk. For example, we can say that kiosk operation should be started just five days before the inauguration day and should be ended just before the inauguration day.
4)   How long should it operate? We can mention operating time of this kiosk, like kiosk should be operated for continuous five days and the timing would be 4 pm to 7.30 pm in everyday.
5)  What all should be done in the Kiosk? Mention the major activities which we are planning to conduct in the kiosk. Like
One game called ‘Throw and win’: From 4.30 to 5 PM - Mention why this event?
Brochure distribution: Mention how to do it. How much brochure we need to distribute? etc.
Member prize coupon filling: Explain the processes and procedures of the same

6)   Manpower needed: Specify the manpower which will be needed for operating this Kiosk
Output to be expected: (Mention the expected output after implementing this strategy)
In the above case, we can mention the output expected as, Brand awareness level will be increased and through this we will be achieving 10% of additional sales in the month of November and December.
Budget: (Find out the approximate amount of budget, if we are able to split the expense part that will be good)
Marketing Expense
Electrical equipments rent
Coordinators wages
Space Rent
Expense for conducting games
Brochure expense
Total expense

Marketing calendar: After preparing the entire strategy we need to set a marketing calendar. It should give an overview of all the strategy which mentioned in the report and most importantly we need to set priorities for each strategy. For example, sometimes two strategies may not be suitable to implement simultaneously because of various reasons. So we need to set a priority based calendar, which will explain the appropriate time to implement a particular strategy.

Marketing calendar
Quick Over view
Expense (Approx)

- Mr. Vinu Narayanan
  Asst. Manager - Consulting
  Bramma Learning Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
  Mob: 09847795311
  Phone: 0484 2705535

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